The Who - Tommy (1969)

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Bought the magnificent Tommy Deluxe box while in Wellington recently. I’d skipped it on several occasions as it was just too expensive. They were practically giving it away this time.

The audio only Blu-ray included in the package, which I’m listening to tonight, is simply stunning. I’ve never heard this remarkable album sound so good.

Pete Townsend, takes a bit of a back seat and it’s Keith Moon’s drums and Entwhistle’s bass that really shine. It’s a very tasteful mix which luckily, has not been a victim of the loudness wars which ruins many a recording.

I first encountered elements of Tommy on the free-for-all version of “My Generation” from “Live At Leeds” which really kick started my whole rock ethic. 

Tommy has aged very well and remains a true classic. All the better thanks to this brilliant remaster.

Incidentally, it’s sold over 20 million copies!

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