Placebo - Without You I'm Nothing (1998)
Live: Saturday 19th July, 2003 - Town Hall, Auckland Tagged onto the end of a work-related stay in Auckland, this gig was a great way to see out the week.
commentsPlacebo, the band, are more often than not treated similarly by the music press. absolutely hates them! AllMusic at their most enthusiastic gives them mediocre at best.
While I deplore the whole conspiracy theory around “fake news” there is a lot of merit in NOT always listening to the music press and critics. More time than not it’s good to make up your own mind.
This record, a firm, sentimental favourite, is the bastard offspring of Rush and Smashing Pumpkins. The noisy trio played an absolutely stunning gig at the Town Hall in Auckland in 2003.
Live: Saturday 19th July, 2003 - Town Hall, Auckland Tagged onto the end of a work-related stay in Auckland, this gig was a great way to see out the week.
commentsWe explored Japanese music (or at least music vaguely inspired by or related to Japan), with a brief diversion to celtic music, and admired Martin’s lutherie skills.