Stereolab - Refried Ectoplasm (1995)

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Stereolab never cease to amaze and surprise.

I’ve been trawling through their back catalogue in anticipation of their Wellington event in March. While they seem strict about sticking to brand, this music over four sides of vinyl, is as eclectic as it is esoteric.

I would NEVER advise anyone to start with this album however, it’s just a bit too challenging. For me, a reasonably seasoned Stereolab-appreciator, it’s still the big high without any need for mind altering chemicals. 

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Stereolab - Aluminum Tunes (Switched On Vol3) (1998)

On Tuesday 3rd March 2020, my latest musical obsession, Stereolab are playing at the San Franscisco Bath House in Wellington. As I may have alluded to previously, I’ve been gathering Stereolab’s entire back catalogue on magnificent triple, clear-vinyl reissues.
