Wooden Shjips - Back To Land (2013)

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The only problem with this record is that each of the 8 tracks, with an average length of just over 5 minutes, just aren’t long enough. Perhaps each track should be a whole side of vinyl then there would be no break in the hypnotic buzz?

This is ear to ear (and middle of the head) bliss!

Take some just-above-a-whisper Yo La Tengo vocals, a pinch of name-your-favourite-spaced-out guitar player riffage and add an equal measure of the best bits of Can-infused Spiritualized and you might get an idea of the mantra.

Along with Moon Duo, featured a few times over the past month or so, this Portland-based band is my firm go to sweet spot. Forget all of your worries and drop the needle on this!

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