Oh Sees - Face Stabber (2019)

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Never, ever judge a book, (or any record for that matter), by it’s cover.

While most of The Oh Sees album sleeves are butt ugly, the music is anything but.

Probably my favourite find of the last few years, is John Dywer’s Oh Sees. (Read this for all of Oh Sees’s monikers).

As profiled by allmusic, the wonderful music on this release encompasses psychedelic, metal, progressive rock, jazz and garage.

Yes meets The Cramps playing Return To Forever.

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Oh Sees - Orc (2017)

The genius of John Dywer never lets up throughout an array of different band monikers, (including Orinoka Crash Suite, OCS, Orange County Sound, The Ohsees, The Oh Sees, Thee Oh Sees, and Oh Sees), and a myriad of fluid genres over the last 25 years.
