Martin's Session - Feb 2025
We explored Japanese music (or at least music vaguely inspired by or related to Japan), with a brief diversion to celtic music, and admired Martin’s lutherie skills.
commentsWe explored Japanese music (or at least music vaguely inspired by or related to Japan), with a brief diversion to celtic music, and admired Martin’s lutherie skills.
commentsWe shared a feast of music and snacks with an unprecedented four guests on an equally unprecedented Friday night.
commentsWe reflected on our listening for 2024, and enjoyed hearing our favourite musical moments through David’s new system.
commentsWe explored all things Dylan, and it was made abundantly clear to us that be it the Devil or the Lord, you’ve gotta serve somebody.
comments1, 2, 3 - We check out musical solo acts, duos and trios.
commentsWe got medieval with it, before working our way towards the future.
commentsWe raised our glasses to Martin’s mum, said goodbye to The Sundays’ Reading, Writing and Arithmetic, and limited ourselves to tracks 2 and 8.
commentsA full-house (plus a new guest) went back to basics, kept it simple, and then gave it heaps.
commentsA smaller turn-out meant more time for extra tracks, from funky ear-worms right through to whatever the opposite of what an ear-worm is
commentsWe enjoyed an evening of noise, submission to a higher thing, and appreciated the energy and joy of it all.
commentsDespite depleted numbers, we ventured North, South and Elsewhere. Liberal imaginative and interpretation was encouraged. North. The Warratahs - “Mount Victoria Rain” (Chris) Youtube Mike Oldfield - “Platinum, Pt.
commentsWe heard Nigerian disco-funk, Afro-Cuban jazz, American art-punk, Paul Simon’s dream inspired meditations on “The Lord” and much more.
commentsWe explored the world of harmony and it’s importance in Country music, went down rabbit holes and fox holes, and discussed the relevance of Taylor Swift as a cultural icon.
commentsWe welcomed Richard back into the fold, enjoyed a wide range of excellent music, and learned a few interesting facts about whales.
commentsWe quaffed mead (does it still count as quaffing if you only have a thimble full?) and explored unfamiliar territories: funk, rap and prog.
commentsWe learned that not everyone listens to different types of music on different days of the week, that 2 members down and an earlier start means we all go home early, and that Daryl Hall wears sunglasses when inside and always looks super-pleased with himself
commentsWe got to hang out in Nick’s expanded living space and spin some records.
commentsNathan’s guest hosted session (thanks Bruce) in which we explored the benefits of being a cheapskate.
commentsThe themes were: Play one of your “Music Oracle” cards. , Music used in Film, Television, or streaming video services., Fill your boots.
commentsThe themes were: Sounds Of The City
commentsThe themes were: Any track appearing on a bona fide Studio album. No live recordings, compilations, best of’s etc etc., Another track pulled from the VERY SAME album that has provided track 1., A cover song.
commentsThe themes were: The letter S , The letter U, The letter L
commentsThe themes were: _ Song of the 🌎 Earth, The Love 😍 generation. , The heat is on!_
commentsThe themes were: Back to School, Voice , Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover
commentsThe themes were: Happy: Surely we aren’t in for another annus horribilis? Let’s introduce the year to “Happy”., New: Bring something newly discovered, preferably from this century., Year: An age, an era, a measure of time.
commentsThe themes were: THE FRENCH CONNECTION
commentsThe themes were: a track that connects with another culture (lifestyle, country, ethnic group, political persuasion, gender identity, etc), a track that connects with a personal interest (stamp record collecting, flint knapping, ships in bottles, etc), a track that connects in some way with one or both of the preceding tracks. You can reveal the connection before or after playing the track.
commentsThis session was originally to be hosted by Martin. The fucking COVID unpleasantness put paid to that!
commentsThe themes were: R.I.P. , Break Up, Kiwi
commentsThe themes were: Old, New, Borrowed, Bonus Track
commentsThe themes were: 15 minutes of music either recorded in, or released in the year 1970
commentsThe themes were: The theatre of the absurd, An artist that has NEVER been played at a SUAL session, Anything goes
commentsThe themes were: Continental Drift
commentsThe themes were: Hot – whatever interpretation you wish, Video round – everyone gets to share some good visual stuff, Cool – whatever interpretation you wish on this one too
commentsThe themes were: 15 minutes of music,(recorded or released in) the year 1969.
commentsThe themes were: (Predominantly) acoustic/unplugged., Instrumental., Whatever.
commentsThe themes were: Animal, Vegetable, Mineral
commentsThe theme: Less Is More - three tracks celebrating minimalism (with the usual expectation of creative interpretation, misinterpretation or contradiction, of course)
commentsThe themes were: 15 from 68.
commentsThe themes were: Sun, Sea and Surf , Storm and Pestilence , Harvest, Leaves Falling
commentsThe themes were: You’ve got 15 minutes to fill using CD, DVD, YouTube, or any combination thereof.
commentsThe themes were: Something fine, finessed, fragile or sofisticated, Something foreign, far-fetched, far out or unfamiliar, Something flamboyant, flashy, flaunting or florid
commentsThe themes were: Your watershed year - This is the year which you consider represents the biggest shift in your musical adventures and one that has had the most influence on why you like what you like., A recent discovery which you think reflects those earlier influences.
commentsThe themes were: 15 minutes of music from 1967
commentsThe themes were: Ordinary, Arty Farty, Witty
commentsThe themes were: Discoveries of the Year 2020, Looking forward to 2021
commentsThe themes were: Memory , Implicitly humorous ( oh…go on then…explicitly counts too!) , Grandeur
commentsThe themes were: Jimi Hendrix original or cover, and now extended to any other virtuoso performer!, Sadness, Joyous/ joyful
commentsThe themes were: Planes, Trains and Automobiles , Hey this isn’t my usual genre?, Hey this isn’t my usual genre? (Bonus Track), WTF - Who was that?
commentsThe themes were: 15 minutes of music recorded or released in 1966.
commentsThe themes were: _Remaining, Or returning - e.g. bands that have never broken up, or have reformed, or members who’ve left and come back, Leaving - E.g. bands that have broken up, or band members who’ve left to forge new careers , Gone For Good - E.g. someone from the latest crop of rock, etc, deaths _
commentsThe themes were: _New! , A piece of music you played on New Years Eve (or would have wanted to play if you could choose the music being played), A piece of music that reflects one of your resolutions or goals for the new year _
commentsThe themes were: Worst track on one of yer favourite albums., Jumpin’ Jack flashes a gas gas gas!!!, Lean on me!
commentsThe themes were: An iconic, revered track that challenges the mainstream., A stand-alone track or one that is representative of an album not appreciated at “the time” but redeemed by further scrutiny., Let the fireworks begin - it’s Guy Fawkes after-all.
commentsThe themes were: The “SHAKE” record, where it shifted or consolidated, The “BANG” record, where it shifted or consolidated again
commentsThe theme was: You have a total of up to 18 minutes (or less) at your disposal to play and fill as you wish (and that others can bear).
commentsThe themes was: Three tracks showcasing the human voice - with the usual encouragement to creatively interpret, misinterpret, cause offence, push the envelope, overstep boundaries and cross lines in the sand.
commentsThe themes were: Two tracks that you know from the past, but have not played for at least 15 years, And one track that you discover after the session at David’s last week
commentsThe themes were: Influenced: One song representative of the music your parents played. , Influenced: One song representative of the music your parents played. , Influence: One track that you would consider to be one of the most important songs you would want your children to listen to., Influenza: Go Sick! Infect us with something new and affecting.
commentsThe themes were: The “BANG” record, where it shifted or consolidated again, Extra Track (Quiz Winner), The “BOOM” record, where it all began
commentsThe themes were: An oldie but a goodie: A tune chosen by your better half , A tune that prominently features an ukulele (Tiny Tim and Hawaiian music have had their turns, step aside)., A tune that prominently features a string orchestra (Neil Sedaka or Rossini not welcome today).
commentsThe themes were: Black, White, Colour(s).
commentsThe themes were: STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) , One track to commemorate a 2018 rock death.
commentsThe themes were: Electronic , International, Rock
commentsThe themes were: _ONE SHORT TRACK of any given artist or band of no more than 3 minutes. , ONE LONG TRACK of any given artist or band no longer than 18 minutes _
commentsThe themes were: Round/circular, Heaven/hell, Circus, Bonus Track
commentsThe themes were: USA, UK, U Choose
commentsThe themes were: Raw abrasive knee-buckling hard- swinging boogie!, The hook., Repetitive.
commentsThe themes were: Choose a musician, performer or whatever and 3 tracks which feature that special person.
commentsThe themes were: No hablo Ingles - A track that is not in English., Dubnobasswithmyheadman - Let’s celebrate great bass players. , Non retro - A recent discovery that celebrates modern, contemporary music.
commentsThe themes were: One Word Songs. (Bonus points if led by a woman singer), Bonus Track
commentsTheme: “take the rough with the smooth” (however you wish to interpret).
commentsTheme: Theme: Other Forms - three tracks or clips that celebrate, feature or reference forms of art/creativity other than music. Bonus Meta-theme: nominate one track as a Secret Santa-type homage to another SU&L member.
commentsThe themes were: Name Check, Chess Board, Impress Me
commentsThe themes were: Acoustic, Instrumental, Electric
commentsThe themes were: African American (any musical genre welcome), Lady Singers Only (transgender inclusive), Make up your own theme (no theme IS a theme!)
commentsThe themes were: Three Piece, Four Piece, Five Piece
commentsThe themes were: The very first lyrics of the tune must be exactly the same as the title of the tune., The tune must come from an album whose front cover contains no words, no letters, no numerals, no readin’ matter, Fresh
commentsThe themes were: Year of Birth, NZ Hits, Anagram Of Dan
commentsThe themes were: Pioneers, Traditionalists, Pop History
commentsReturn of the Giant Progweed.
commentsThe themes were: Must be Track No 1. , Must feature electric slide guitar, Must have a playing time of between 2 minutes 57 seconds and 3 minutes 3 seconds, Bonus Track
commentsThe themes were: F@%# Off 2016! - A song or musical moment that exorcises the ghosts from 2016. , Now that’s a bit random - Randomly select 3 albums (CD or vinyl only - no video) and bring them along, Who let the cows out - The track you select must contain a cow bell as an instrument.
commentsTheme: Births, Deaths and Marriages
commentsThe themes were: Artist/band not from USA nor UK., Old artist still do-oo-oo-ing it (cannot be younger than our oldest committee member, nor won a Nobel prize)., Another example/update for a theme that you enjoyed from a previous month/year
commentsThe themes were: A Roadtrip song, A Favourite bath/ shower song, A Wellington song (we can’t all afford London)
commentsTHEME = Fire/ hot/ warm for each round. ( if you’re struggling, I’ll accept cold/ icy/ freezing, but you’ll definitely lose points!)
commentsThe themes were: Entree: Light Hammond B3, Main: Meaty Brass, Dessert: Sweet and Tasty Wah Wah, Bonus Track
commentsThe theme is “Digging through the archives”
commentsThe theme this month is 2016 Music Deaths – plenty to choose from, so pick three and turn up to the next session
commentsThe themes were: Sorry, I nearly missed my deadline - think days, weeks, months, years or any measurement of time. (But NOT the word “time” by itself), It just wasn’t my cup of tea. A song from yesteryear that you appreciate a lot more these days., Let’s stop this reminiscing nonsense! Something from this decade
commentsThe themes were: _Space/ heavenly bodies , Some (or all) of the tune’s lyrics to be narrated or spoken , Neighbours/ neighbourhood _
commentsThe themes were: London, Bowie, Food
commentsThe theme for this one is lost
commentsThe themes were: Rebirth, Green, Kiwi
commentsThe themes were: _Musical Theatre , Soundtrack, Mostly I Have Been Listening To _
commentsThe themes were: _Year of Your Birth , Birth Of First Child , Last 12 Months _
commentsThe themes were: Magical, Mystery, Tour
commentsThe themes were: Women, Duos, Royalty
commentsThe themes were: Pedal Steel – Round 1, Pedal Steel – Round 2, Pedal Steel – Round 3
commentsTheme: Found Music, Lost Music
commentsThe themes were: A recent discovery that is really very good and needs to be shared, A song that does good things for you and helps you relax, A song that recognises, in some way, that the World Cup cricket is happening right now – interpret that any way you wish. , Bonus Track
comments2015 is kicking off with a Bang / Fizz.
commentsThe themes were: “Grow some funk of your own”. Does funk belong in rock music?, Movie soundtrack music. Music used in a Movie or TV program., Something new that you have heard recently.
commentsThe Secretary apologised for completely misinterpreting the evening’s theme. A vote of no confidence was marginally avoided.
commentsThe themes were: Mothers, Dedicated To, M.O.T.H.E.R
commentsThe themes were: Wisdom, Slowdown Relax, Stay There, Crank Yourself Up
commentsThe themes were: April, Foolishness, Wisdom
commentsThe themes were: Want(ed)To See, Same Track
commentsThe themes were: Rediscovered, Gone Solo, Best Of 2013
commentsThe themes were: Summer Daze, Lou Reed/Velvets, Best of 2013
commentsIn which we aim to discover “Does humour belong in music?”
commentsThe themes were: Female Name, Subtle, Voice
commentsThe themes were: Virtuosity - Round 1, Virtuosity - Round 2, Virtuosity - Round 3
commentsThe themes were: Winter, Crime, Anything Goes
commentsAs it is Queen’s Birthday month the theme is Majesty
commentsThe themes were: US States, Anything Goes, Anything Goes Again, Signature Tunes
commentsThe themes were: A relic from the 60’s. Arguably the greatest decade in modern music history. (Prove it!), Nice sound pity about the song. (It doesn’t necessarily have to be naff but must demonstrate high production qualities), A new discovery. (Surprise us with something you believe no one else has heard!)
commentsThe themes for the evening covered the music genres Folk Rock, Americana, and Prog Rock
commentsThe theme for the evening was “House Renovation” (lateral thinking was encouraged)
commentsThe themes were: Time, D, F