Barack Obama’s Summer Playlist (Tidal)

Barack Obama’s Summer Playlist (Tidal)

I can’t imagine Trump knowing what music is yet alone having a favourites playlist. If for some reason he did have a slither of musical cognisance the soundtrack of his life over over the last 5 years would be “Send Out The Clowns” on continuous play.

New Order - Movement (1981)

New Order - Movement (1981)

Just 12 months after the demise of Ian Curtis and Joy Division, New Order (initially “The People’s New Order of Kampuchea”) produced this transitional record to very mixed reviews.

Sola Rosa - Chasing The Sun (2020)

Sola Rosa - Chasing The Sun (2020)

Andrew Spraggon was once a solo knob twiddler. He was also once a touring member of Dimmer (as revealed on a recent RNZ Music 101 podcast) He’s now the ultimate collaborator.
