Madlib - Shades Of Blue (2003)

Madlib - Shades Of Blue (2003)

More “Jazz Club”! Madlib invades Blue Note. With unfettered access to the Blue Note catalogue, this record is a mangle of classic jazz that’s completely reinterpreted and re-flavoured.

Mantronix - The Album (1985)

Mantronix - The Album (1985)

Along with Cabaret Voltaire, who had taken a bit of a right turn mixing menacing electronic textures with funky dance rhythms in the early to mid 80’s, I was totally hooked on the electronic/hip hop mashups of Mantronix.

ESG - Keep On Moving (2006)

ESG - Keep On Moving (2006)

There’s some truly gut-busting, funky minimalism going on here! It’s dance-punk if you really want to label it. The Scroggin sisters, which hail from The Bronx, which now include a new generation of daughters playing in the group, have been around since the late 70’s.

Elton John - Elton John (1970)

Elton John - Elton John (1970)

I give Elton’s “Your Song” the same respect as I do for Bowie’s “Space Oddity”. Both fantastic songs released within 6 months of each other, but the albums from which these songs originated were never on my radar until much later.

Yo La Tengo - There's A Riot Going On (2018)

Yo La Tengo - There's A Riot Going On (2018)

This band couldn’t make a bad album if they tried. Over nearly 30 years, and since 1992’s revelatory “May I Sing With Me”, I have been totally absorbed by their unique and consistently brilliant musical journey.
