Joanna Newsom - Divers (2015)
There’s absolutely no in-between with Ms. Newsom. You either love her or loathe her. Personally, I’m firmly in the love her unconditionally camp.
commentsThere’s absolutely no in-between with Ms. Newsom. You either love her or loathe her. Personally, I’m firmly in the love her unconditionally camp.
commentsAnother awesome Aussie album. This gets an AAAA+ in anyone’s book. Earlier this month I did a bit of a rave about The Stroppies “Whoosh!, and their “know it all, yes we do have the final say on the matter” approach to music reviews is wearing thin.
commentsThe Smiths and New Order. Two of the most influential bands of the 80’s. This masterpiece is the bastard offspring of Bernard Sumner and Jonny Marr, two key members of those respective stalwarts of British post punk.
commentsOK it’s not a “proper” live album - it’s got studio recordings interspersed with the live stuff - but as a 17 year old totally immersed in guitar hero worship, this thing still stings the synapses.