Various Artists - Deutsche Elektronische Musik (2010)
Soul Jazz Records Presents: Experimental German Rock and Electronic Musik 1972-1983 (Record A) Another absolutely FANTASTIC compilation from Soul Jazz Records.
commentsSoul Jazz Records Presents: Experimental German Rock and Electronic Musik 1972-1983 (Record A) Another absolutely FANTASTIC compilation from Soul Jazz Records.
commentsSoul Jazz Records New York Noise: Dance Music from the New York Underground 1977-1982 On several trips to London, I’d always make a point of visiting Sounds of the Universe at 7 Broadwick Street in Soho.
commentsThis year, as Jessie from the “Fast Show” would say, I have been mainly eating compilations. In a most cases this makes for more enjoyable and “active” listening sessions as opposed to just recycling old CDs or “safe” vinyl.
commentsI think my life is now complete! I now have this absolute peach of a record on beautifully remastered and totally rejuvenated pitch black vinyl.
commentsThis is another impeccable and VERY English compilation from Mr. Bob Stanley and ACE Records. Originally released some 15 years ago, this is an updated version and covers English potty post-pyschedelic music from the late 60’s to mid 70’s.