The Who - Who’s Next (1971)

The Who - Who’s Next (1971)

I’ve always wanted to re-get this on vinyl (I gave my first LP away in the early 2000s) and was seething with jealousy when fellow shut up and listener, brother Ricardo showed me his big blue.

Califone - Echo Mine (2020)

Califone - Echo Mine (2020)

Aside from a resurgence of vinyl in my world, I’m tending more and more towards playing music via a streaming service or off ripped files on network attached storage devices.

Julia Jacklin - Crushing (2019)

Julia Jacklin - Crushing (2019)

Since coming out of lockdown, I’ve decided to take a few punts and purchase a bit of vinyl from my local “Family Jewels” record shop on the strength of reputation and Smithies recommendations.
