Torres - Three Futures (2017)
This record was a complete impulse buy whilst trawling the JB-Hifi bins in Wellington. I heard mention of Torres via the “Sound Opinions” podcast a while back where she was highly revered by Greg Kot.
commentsThis record was a complete impulse buy whilst trawling the JB-Hifi bins in Wellington. I heard mention of Torres via the “Sound Opinions” podcast a while back where she was highly revered by Greg Kot.
commentsWowee, we’ve got a right one here! It’s the perfect way to see in the new year. Bereft of any English, this collaboration with South African artist Muzi, is mostly sung in Welsh, with a bit of Zulu thrown in.
commentsGone are the days of trucking over to Wellington and coming back over-endowed with swags of shiny new CDs and DVDs.
commentsHoly Mother this is intense! While on the far left side of the heavy spectrum musically, it’s but a whisper, it still jolts you to the core.
commentsThere’s no shortage of Who compilations. For me, this is the big, vinyl-worth one. 21 brilliant tracks covering 50 years, this is the ultimate showcase of their greatest, radio-friendly hits.