Group 1850 - Paradise Now [TIDAL](1969)

Group 1850 - Paradise Now [TIDAL](1969)

I recently spotted a reference to Group 1850 in a recent “Shindig!” magazine. [By the way Shindig! is now on Readly , an incredibly cheap and efficient way of getting access to ALL of your favourite magazines digitally.

Super Furry Animals - Guerilla (1999)

Super Furry Animals - Guerilla (1999)

A big hefty chunk of vinyl playing at 45rpm, a “hidden” track on side one you play backwards, a pop-up cardboard engineer in the recording studio inside the lavish gatefold cover, and lots of a complete off-kilter, genre-bending tunes/experiments throughout!

Stereolab - Aluminum Tunes (Switched On Vol3) (1998)

Stereolab - Aluminum Tunes (Switched On Vol3) (1998)

On Tuesday 3rd March 2020, my latest musical obsession, Stereolab are playing at the San Franscisco Bath House in Wellington. As I may have alluded to previously, I’ve been gathering Stereolab’s entire back catalogue on magnificent triple, clear-vinyl reissues.
