Beach House - Teen Dream (2010)
It’s 6 days since I’ve actually sat down and listened to a full record. Family do take precedence, especially when there’s tiny tots involved, but it is a sacrifice you make never the less.
commentsIt’s 6 days since I’ve actually sat down and listened to a full record. Family do take precedence, especially when there’s tiny tots involved, but it is a sacrifice you make never the less.
commentsAnother great haul today. I’ve been eyeing up the vinyl bins at TWH lately ready to pounce. I bought a swag the other day but this Kiwi classic, a 25 Year Anniversary remaster, was still retailing for $49.
commentsTalk about eclectic! This is just about the epitome of it. Jarvis Cocker the un-coolest/cool person on the planet, does a snapshot of seven years of his Sunday afternoon radio show.
commentsAnother cheapie from The Warehouse. As I’ve stated before, you need to loiter there at least once a week and you will usually be handsomely rewarded.
commentsA fantastic second outing for this Oxfordian power trio. Barely out of nappies when they wrote this, I’m thinking to myself “I bet a lot of musicians wish they wrote that one.