This Mortal Coil - Blood (1991)
What a completely bonkers show “ Now Apocalypse ” is. I’ve no hope of ever explaining what it’s about but just to say there’s some great incidental music happening throughout.
commentsWhat a completely bonkers show “ Now Apocalypse ” is. I’ve no hope of ever explaining what it’s about but just to say there’s some great incidental music happening throughout.
commentsAnother record that’s most definitely vinyl-worthy sounds absolutely extraordinary oozing from my speakers this evening. Probably my favourite Dan, this album never stops being a revelation each time I listen to it.
commentsGood old fashioned dirge from the bowels of mid 90’s grunge. Layne Staley was always a favourite of mine with his courageous authenticity.
commentsI just couldn’t resist buying this big slab of reduced-price, double vinyl, completely unheard on one of my now rather rare excursions into the big red shed.
commentsThe themes were: Influenced: One song representative of the music your parents played. , Influenced: One song representative of the music your parents played. , Influence: One track that you would consider to be one of the most important songs you would want your children to listen to., Influenza: Go Sick! Infect us with something new and affecting.