Nuggets - Original Artyfacts From The First Psychedelic Era 1965-1968 (1972)
A brilliant relic of 60’s rock and possibly one of the most famous compilations of all time. Great to have this on vinyl.
commentsA brilliant relic of 60’s rock and possibly one of the most famous compilations of all time. Great to have this on vinyl.
commentsThis record is more often than not completely rubbished by the music critics. This debut by the ex, and once second-in-charge Floydian, is full of trademark Gilmour and recalls great memories of me playing this with great regularity.
commentsI did the $2 grab bag from TWH this afternoon. Picked up eight quite obscure albums (including The Pop Group’s “Citizen Zombie” and Iron and Wine’s “Sing Into My Mouth”) - all for under 20 bucks.
commentsOk “Wired” was my first exposure to Geoffrey Arnold Beck, and what a watershed moment that was!!!!!. However, this record lives on as my favourite JB recording.
commentsRichard, who I know is very fond of this record, played “My Finest Hour” at last night’s Shut Up and Listen session.