Mick Ronson - Heaven And Hull (1994)

Mick Ronson - Heaven And Hull (1994)

I make no bones about it. Mick Ronson was/is the most important guitar player of my lifetime. It’s a bold statement - but when you first encounter “Moonage Daydream” as a bare-arsed 12 year old, it counts for everything.

Uriah Heep - Demons And Wizards (1972)

Uriah Heep - Demons And Wizards (1972)

This record, along with their earlier “Very ‘Eavy Very ‘Umble”, Tull’s “Aqualung” and the incomparable and never bettered, The Who’s “Live At Leeds” were HUGE for me as a shy, day dreaming, on-another-planet 12 year old.
