Fleetwood Mac - Then Play On (1969)
My first foray into pre Buckingham-Nicks Fleetwood Mac and it’s a fucking mess! And that’s brilliant. Think “Tusk” a decade later?
commentsMy first foray into pre Buckingham-Nicks Fleetwood Mac and it’s a fucking mess! And that’s brilliant. Think “Tusk” a decade later?
commentsI swear Jason Lytle played a busker’s set at the Saturday Nelson market a few months back. My son Peter can confirm it.
commentsToday we journey back to the introspective (read melodramatic!), syrupy, hit-oriented 60’s where production was far more important than the song.
commentsAnother stunning hi-res recording. This time from the world’s best exponent of Swedish psychedelic progressive extreme folk metal. This is an album that would not offend anyone except maybe the hardcore Swedish death metal die-hard who considers this record the moment Opeth sold their souls in favour of enlightenment and creativity.
commentsTwo tracks in and I’m fucking putty!!!! “Crosseyed and Painless” is such a stunning track it leaves me catatonic and with goose bumps the size of blisters.