Zen Mantra - Zen Mantra (2015)
Thanks Nick, you bought this great slab of vinyl along to Tuesday’s Shut Up And Listen session and the ear worm hasn’t left since!
commentsThanks Nick, you bought this great slab of vinyl along to Tuesday’s Shut Up And Listen session and the ear worm hasn’t left since!
commentsThey’re a snobby bunch! Prog has always suffered badly when judged by the “mainstream” music press. You won’t see a review of any Marillion record in Uncut, Q Magazine or Mojo.
commentsThe themes were: African American (any musical genre welcome), Lady Singers Only (transgender inclusive), Make up your own theme (no theme IS a theme!)
commentsA far cry from Friday’s everything-bar-the-kitchen-sink early 70’s psycho-soup, this is sparse and demanding of concentration. These are the records I really treasure the most.
commentsBought this chunk of vinyl from Grant Smithies new “Family Jewels” record shop this very day. Hopefully, this record shop will fill the big void for us Nelsonians wanting a decent vinyl supply.