Stomu Yamashta - Go Too (1977)
God knows how I got into this in the late 70’s? I know I was listening to Return To Forever and especially 1975’s brilliant “Romantic Warrior” at the time.
commentsGod knows how I got into this in the late 70’s? I know I was listening to Return To Forever and especially 1975’s brilliant “Romantic Warrior” at the time.
commentsThe last few records I’ve listened to have been a bit introspective and at times demanding. This afternoon I’ve gone all Swedish Metal gone Prog, and uncut!
commentsThe themes were: The very first lyrics of the tune must be exactly the same as the title of the tune., The tune must come from an album whose front cover contains no words, no letters, no numerals, no readin’ matter, Fresh
commentsI’ve been listening this for a few months now via Tidal and on the strength of repeated listens I needed to own the plastic, Their best record since Violator it’s also their bit “Fuck America!
commentsIt’s no surprise to me at all that I queued up like many others to get my copy of Lorde’s new record.