Tweak Bird - Tweak Bird (2010)

Tweak Bird - Tweak Bird (2010)

Dirty old psychedelic blues played by Illinoisan brothers Caleb and Ashton Bird. (They call it sludge metal in those parts!) Riff after infectious riff - it’s relentlessness is wall to wall.

Slayer - Reign In Blood (1986)

Slayer - Reign In Blood (1986)

I’ve got 30 minutes to spare this afternoon. I’ve therefore taken a speed over substance approach. This classic (highly regarded by speed metal purests anyway) is literally all over in a flash - but what a flash!

Bill Fay - Life Is People (2012)

Bill Fay - Life Is People (2012)

Working at home on a Wednesday demands a certain level of restraint - it’s a work environment afterall. This is a beautiful record to create a relaxed and undisturbed afternoon while pondering the complete fabric of life.
