Bernard Herrmann - Psycho - The Original Film Score (1960)
On Red Vinyl This is just scary!! From the moment the needle drops this thing is nerve wracking. There’s a real sense of dread.
commentsOn Red Vinyl This is just scary!! From the moment the needle drops this thing is nerve wracking. There’s a real sense of dread.
commentsIt’s that time of the year to bring this beauty out. What a fucking bonkers week!! Earthquakes, storms, floods (all predicted by Brian Tamaki by the way) and the further indignity of work!
commentsMore of the same but different from the labs. Consistently reliable over all of their albums there’s always some subtleties on offer with each album.
commentsOn vinyl This is definitely hippy dippy stuff preceding Marc Bolan’s glam days. I couldn’t resist picking this up on vinyl today at TWH.
commentsThe Waiting Room Film Project videos Totally uncategorisable, Tindersticks remain an enigma. I couldn’t for a moment explain the experience of listening to them - there’s simply too much to take in.