Rae and Christian - Sleepwalking (2001)
Only 2 stars on Allmusic and a few scathing “reviews” on Amazon suggests it’s not their best effort. Have I missed something?
commentsOnly 2 stars on Allmusic and a few scathing “reviews” on Amazon suggests it’s not their best effort. Have I missed something?
commentsOn vinyl Just when you think you’ve seen everything as far as ridiculous bargains go at The Warehouse, something even more astounding comes along.
commentsCD 1 It might be a month of trawling through some compilations and see where that takes me. (There might be a few lapses here and there as I’m easily side-tracked.
commentsThe theme is “Digging through the archives”
commentsThe theme this month is 2016 Music Deaths – plenty to choose from, so pick three and turn up to the next session