Dry Cleaning - Stumpwork (2022)
Dry Cleaning’s 2021 debut, “New Long Leg” was up there with my favourite peri-COVID releases. Despite it being a bit more restrained, this new record ups the musical ante significantly.
commentsDry Cleaning’s 2021 debut, “New Long Leg” was up there with my favourite peri-COVID releases. Despite it being a bit more restrained, this new record ups the musical ante significantly.
commentsI picked this DVD up in Auckland recently at Flying Out Records. It was sitting all alone, on a dusty old shelf, well removed from the tsunami of vinyl.
commentsI had a bit of a field day in Auckland during the weekend hunting for those (not so elusive) CD bargains.
commentsThis session was originally to be hosted by Martin. The fucking COVID unpleasantness put paid to that!
commentsI’m just reading a great, totally self-depreciating and honest book about Steven Wilson’s perceived failings as a rock star. Ok, it’s agreed, he’s no rock star but he’s a fantastic musician, producer, band leader (of several ensembles) and a complete music nerd.