Appliance - Manual (1999)

Appliance - Manual (1999)

Not a bad haul this. I got all three Appliance CD’s, including this debut, super dirt cheap at the big red shed during peak multi-format media acquisition days.

Marlon Williams - My Boy (2022)

Marlon Williams - My Boy (2022)

A courier package arrived from Flying Out Records this afternoon. In that package was a compact disc (aka CD). This also happened to be a brand-new release from the undisputed boy with the silkiest voice in Godzone.

Cranes - Particles & Waves (2004)

Cranes - Particles & Waves (2004)

OK. I’m being right up front here. Give me actual, physical media over streaming any day. I reached for a randomly chosen CD this evening, put it in my repurposed Oppo Blu-ray transport and immersed myself in its warm, earthy, organic texture and sonic splendor.
