Harold Budd/Brian Eno - The Pearl (1984)
When we happen to have a visiting contingent of guests, related or otherwise, I’m always conscious of playing music in the lounge that does not challenge.
commentsWhen we happen to have a visiting contingent of guests, related or otherwise, I’m always conscious of playing music in the lounge that does not challenge.
commentsThis ambient/techno record is startlingly apt for a day of national introspection. This makes a terrific soundtrack as one watches the fairy tale tributes unfold across multiple channels.
commentsA timeless masterpiece from my favourite, post-punk/decommissioned new romantic front man, neo-reclusive avant-jazzasist. Surrounded by extraordinary musicians, Robert Fripp and Bill Nelson included, this remains genre resistant.
commentsWhile I was completely gob smacked with the brilliance of 2018’s “Smote Reverser” , this is it’s little noisy brother. The same sentiments apply just as equally to this album.
commentsBob Stanley and Pete Wiggs present downtempo and after hours 1990-91 Another stupendous ACE Records compilation curated by fellow clevor Trevor’s Bob Stanley and Pete Wiggs.