Vincent H.L - Weird Days (2018)
Do yourself a favour and have a listen to this sure-to-be-an-absolute-classic New Zealand long player. This is without doubt the best Westie record I’ve ever heard.
commentsDo yourself a favour and have a listen to this sure-to-be-an-absolute-classic New Zealand long player. This is without doubt the best Westie record I’ve ever heard.
commentsI picked up Dope Lemon’s second record, “Smooth Big Cat” a couple of trips back when I ventured across the big ditch to Melbourne.
commentsThe evening started out with a Monkees sampler. I’d just play side 1 of each of the 3 long players I’ve got of theirs.
commentsJust sit down, shut up and listen to this. This is not a record to have in the background. This is not a record to be doing anything else while you listen to it.
commentsOriginally recorded during his “Henry’s Dream” tour of 1993, this includes some truly incendiary versions of some stonking tunes across several albums.