Love - Revisited (1970)
Some of my very best purchases I’ve ever made are sometimes found in the new vinyl, bargain bins of the big mega music shops like JB-Hifi and Real Groovy.
commentsSome of my very best purchases I’ve ever made are sometimes found in the new vinyl, bargain bins of the big mega music shops like JB-Hifi and Real Groovy.
commentsThis remarkable album of demos, half finished pieces and other in-studio recordings by cellist and studio magician Arthur Russell was released posthumously soon after his death in 1992.
commentsThis is a record that is bulging at the seams with wonderful invention and brilliant performance. If you have the patience, it’s a proper roller coaster experience.
commentsThis is one of the funkiest things you’ll ever hear. Miles’s short lived spouse and better half should have set the world alight with this, her stunning debut record.
commentsMy usual bag of coffee beans has gone up by $2.50 over the last couple of months. WTF! Now that’s serious and potentially troublesome for my boy and his two-cups-of-my-coffee-a-day habit.