The Monkees - The Monkees (1966)
Track 1, “(Theme from) The Monkees” is one of my all time favourite childhood memories and still fills me with delight to this day.
commentsTrack 1, “(Theme from) The Monkees” is one of my all time favourite childhood memories and still fills me with delight to this day.
commentsMerseyside’s, The Coral have never made a duff record in all of their 20 plus years of existent. This new record is another album filled to the brim with greatness.
commentsI happened upon Anne Clark via the great 2018 documentary “I Will Walk Out In To Tomorrow”. Prior to that I was aware of but not at all familiar with her music or her brilliance.
commentsNothing prepares the listener for this. It’s Arthur Russell’s only non-collaborative record consisting of cello, voice (somewhere between Boz Scaggs and Nick Drake) and in-studio or live, sounds and textures.
commentsThis is an absolutely fabulous compilation of Japanese rock, electronic and fringe dwelling music from the 1980s. Impossible to find the conventional way, (but I’ll keep looking), this is courtesy of a subscribed lossless website.