Poets Of Rhythm - Discern/Define (2001)

Poets Of Rhythm - Discern/Define (2001)

The more I dig into German music of the last 50 or so years, the more I am blown away. This outrageously great funk record sounds like it belongs back in the 70’s but with today’s state-of-the-art production it’s unmistakably contemporary.

Beach House - Depression Cherry (2015)

Beach House - Depression Cherry (2015)

A very ethereal record from Beach House. Sounding like its big fluffy red cover (I kid you not) this recording is enclosed in a murky haze that keeps the poppy sugar coating that’s trying its hardest to bust out under wraps.

Grooms - Exit Index (2017)

Grooms - Exit Index (2017)

I’m really not sure what attracted me to this, aside from the beautiful cover, but what a fantastic find. Like a few days lately, I’ve been finding a few unfamiliar tracks and albums via streaming services.
