Neon Neon - Praxis Makes Perfect (2013)

Neon Neon - Praxis Makes Perfect (2013)

One of my pet peeves when buying records is the absence of plastic inner sleeves. Most of the paper inserts, glossy or otherwise, that come with the majority of new records these days, are as good as useless.

Thee Oh Sees - Smote Reverser (2018)

Thee Oh Sees - Smote Reverser (2018)

One of the greatest finds of this year is this killer record from San Fran’s totally unhinged Thee Oh Sees. Impossible to categorise, to me they fit somewhere between King Gizard and the Wizard Lizard and The Bevis Frond.

David Bowie - Earthling (1997)

David Bowie - Earthling (1997)

The stunning sonics of this newly pressed vinyl box continues. It’s certainly a box of goodies that just keeps giving. This is another record which I’ve only listened to in parts (“Little Wonder” & “I’m afraid Of Americans”) and most probably not in its entirety in one sitting.
