Martin's Session at Pete's - Sep 21
The theme: Less Is More - three tracks celebrating minimalism (with the usual expectation of creative interpretation, misinterpretation or contradiction, of course)
commentsThe theme: Less Is More - three tracks celebrating minimalism (with the usual expectation of creative interpretation, misinterpretation or contradiction, of course)
commentsThis is an exquisite, sumptuous recent discovery courtesy of the wonderful Youtube hosted by Michael the German. Michael, who is a truly engaging German man with the most incredible vinyl collection, regularly shares his insights into the best, and often but not always, audiophile vinyl pressings.
commentsIs this album one of those genre-less wonders or an amalgam of everything put through a musical mincer? I really can’t make up my mind.
commentsSecond album from German band “Kin Ping Meh” (Chinese for “The Golden Lotus”) There’s a definite “The Yes Album” feel to early proceedings with more than a few weird meanderings along the way.
commentsBought this Friday. Played it Friday night. Didn’t love it. Played safto. Am goowin wi mi-sen and fookin’ lovin’ it! (Ok they’re from Nottingham)