Gruff Rhys - Seeking New Gods (2021)
FANTASTIC new record by Chief Superior Furry Animal. The SFAs know how to create bona fide pop music alright, but this just takes it up a notch or two.
commentsFANTASTIC new record by Chief Superior Furry Animal. The SFAs know how to create bona fide pop music alright, but this just takes it up a notch or two.
commentsFantastic documentary about the making of “Rainbow Bridge”, a complete Blu-Ray concert recording and 6 sides of Vinyl capturing Jimi Hendrix’s concert at Maui, Hawaii in 1970.
commentsThere was only going to be one album to listen to this evening. After yesterday’s fabulous Alan Vega and Stephen Lironi show, it’s time for some Pete Shelley and Howard Devoto.
commentsHoly Moly, I didn’t expect this! It’s the same old Alan Vega and his same old completely left of everything approach to making music - but god it sounds so frighteningly refreshing listening to this today.
commentsThe themes were: 15 from 68.