Spiritualized - Amazing Grace (2003)
The wall of sound on a Spiritualized record is always a bit disconcerting at first but it’s the silence within all of that murk that captures your ears.
commentsThe wall of sound on a Spiritualized record is always a bit disconcerting at first but it’s the silence within all of that murk that captures your ears.
commentsInsanely good live performance of Darkside’s brilliant 2013 album “Psychic”, a mind warping, non-genre specific monster of a record. Watching this reminds me of the time that I walked into one my all time, smily face moments of pure musical bliss - Unkle playing live in the “Boiler Room” at The Big Day Out.
commentsAnother taste of the Axelrod. Where has this been all of my life??
commentsProlific as ever, this is the Gizzard’s 18th record. This is just the sweetest, most blissed out sound I’ve heard all year.
commentsPicked this fine compilaton up from my second favourite Melbourne record shop, Rocksteady Records in Lonsdale St, CBD. Just $33 Aussie dollars for a 2 LP white vinyl record is exceptional value.