The Gordons - The Gordons (1982)

The Gordons - The Gordons (1982)

This band is renowned for being the loudest band that ever existed. While my stereo can’t do it justice, extreme volume would let these seven humongous tracks breath/bleed accordingly.

Midnight Oil - Countdown Album (1983)

Midnight Oil - Countdown Album (1983)

Affectionately known as the “Countdown Album” (let’s face it, it flows off the tongue a lot easier than “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”), this absolute stonker from the Oils is one of the great records of the 80s.

Can - Future Days (1972)

Can - Future Days (1972)

A remarkably restrained Damo Suzuki “sings” on what would be his final studio recording with this truly amazing German collective. (He went off and married a Jehovah witness apparently).

Squid - Bright Green Field (2021)

Squid - Bright Green Field (2021)

Another great great record that proves there’s still great great music being made in the world. Highly original, disorientating and unapologetic, it’s a bit of a rollercoaster.

Can - Delay (1981)

Can - Delay (1981)

These astounding recordings from 1968/1969 is empirical proof that these Germans were just so far ahead of the game. The Stooges, who are often regarded as the granddaddy’s of punk didn’t record their debut until 1969.
