Blackfield - NYC (2007)

Blackfield - NYC (2007)

Blackfield - Recorded live at the Bowery Ballroom, NYC on 16th March 2007 OK, I’ve decamped all of my boxed up digital media and it’s living and breathing once more.

Blackfield - Blackfield (2005)

Blackfield - Blackfield (2005)

I’m at it again I’m afraid. I’m playing it safe and listening to my goto band . One reason why I love this band is that includes possibly my most listened-to-artist of the last 10 years - Mr Steven Wilson.

Blackfield - V (2016)

Blackfield - V (2016)

When I just want to be pounded by some melodic pomp that doesn’t require much investment in meaningful listening I usually turn to the wonderful Blackfield.
